
This little blog started on our wedding website, which kept family and friends up to date on the planning and details. Of course this is where we will provide all of the recaps of the wedding and everything after. We look forward to keeping family and friends up to date on our lives here in Texas and all of the adventures we share as newlyweds!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Perfect Gift!

Rene and I have been trying to figure out what to get our "host and hostess" for this coming weekend (Katie and Major) who are nice enough to let us stay with them while we are in Orlando for homecoming.

Katie is a big wine fan so we figured we would go with some Texas wine and do one red and one white. However, I always feel like just putting the bottles in a wine bag isn't very creative or cute.

Don't fret though because I came up with the best idea!! Not only is it cute it's functional too! The gift goes from 2 bottles of wine and now they get 2 bottles of wine, 2 napkins and 2 napkin rings!
The napkin rings are just big enough to put on the neck of the bottle and pull the napkins through to create a cute wrapping and a functional gift.

I would highly suggest trying it for the next hostess gift, or dinner party that you go to!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Sad Halloween

I am quite sad today, it's official that Rene and I aren't making costumes for Halloween this year.

With the trip to Orlando and UCF's tradition of super early morning tailgating on game days plus the homecoming parade if we get to campus on time...we figure that going out at night is a shot in the dark if we will "last" that long.

So I guess out super awesome idea will be held off until next year...*tear*

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday is going to be a good one!

Today is going to be a good Thursday!

Why you might ask? Because while stopping at Panera Bread to pick up bagels for our weekly office meeting I figured I would grab a cup of coffee too....the best part?

The lady gave it to me for free! It's the little things that make the day better!
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

It's Wednesday (Hump Day) over half way done with the week...and what a week it has been already!

I'm loving the weather! It is cooling down in Texas…hopefully for good this time. We woke up to low 50’s today and don’t get me wrong that’s COLD but I could deal with 70-80’s and sun like we had last weekend for the UCF Game.

I'm loving that I am mid way through the Fall 2011 Semester!! At least after my Managerial Finance mid-term today….Only 1.5 semesters to go!! I register for the Spring next week already!

Only 7 more working days before I am headed to Orlando for Homecoming!! It might be a quick trip but a little vacay is going to be well deserved!

What I'm loving most is that with our flight on October 28th it officially marks the end…or rather break in Rene’s busy season!! His company files at the end of the day and that means no more 11:30pm or later nights at work for at least a little while!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Coming up on 2 years...

Rene and I are getting close to our second anniversary coming up in less than a month, and it does not feel like it's been almost 2 years at all!

So as of today I've started looking for gifts that I could get for him. There are 2 options for the second year of marriage.

Traditional Gift: Cotton Modern Gift: China

Rene and I decided that we are sticking with the "traditional" gift this year...now I just need to figure out what to get him. It might just me but while I love the idea of specific gifts for each year of marriage it's actually tough to find something.

Last year with "paper" we each just wrote out a really nice card, mainly because we took a little trip to Orlando at the start of December and called our tickets (flight and park) our "paper" item....ok so we stretched the terms a bit....but honestly who uses actual stationary anymore?

Nonetheless, we are trying to stick with the ideas for each other

What do you think are the traditional/modern wedding year gifts outdated? Or do you still like the idea of tradition?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's Fall

And isn't it fun how a little bit of food coloring, some green candy and a box of rice krispy's can celebrate fall so well? Yum!
Happy Sunday!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pinteresting Thoughts&Finds for Thursday

So since I spend roughly of say 10-14 hours a day on the computer I often spend hours at a time on Pinterest looking around for fun new ideas. Most recently I turned a find on Pinterest into one of my recruiter's birthday cakes--it was a huge success the office loved it!
Chocolate Cake, Chocolate Icing, surrounded with KitKats and topped with M&Ms...Chocolate Delish if I may say so!

So I figured why not share some of my favorite finds on Thursday's blog, especially since I've been slacking when it comes to my Friday Book Club since I am slllllowly making my way through Freakanomics still.

So here's the official First Ever "Pinteresting Thoughts&Finds for Thursday"

Thanksgiving Ideas!!

A thought for changing up the dining room decor for turkey day!
A little idea of something to make for the office
A new twist on leftovers? I love turkey pot pies and turkey and dumplings...but little springrolls/egg rolls type goodies...why not?

I know it's not even Halloween yet and I'm jumping into Thanksgiving but trust me I'll be updating you soon on our Halloween costumes for this year....Disney themed of course!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Help Us Raise Some $$ for the Cure!

Rene and I weren't going to be able to walk/run in the Race for the Cure this year because we had planned on going to the UCF vs. SMU game which was scheduled to start at noon this Saturday....

Now things have changed and it's a 2:30 start so we have plenty of time to do the 5K and still make the all Texas UCF Alum Tailgate.

Help us raise a little money for a great cause before we walk!

Getting Back on Track

Well after a successful weekend it's back to work on Monday (a very dreary Monday)....

As mentioned on Saturday I completely forgot my camera....but this little pic that Kim took will have to do for the time being, the green dress was a big success!
I promise there are more pictures that her sister in law took with a nice camera vs. phone so I'll be sure to get copies!

Have a great Monday!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Flying High Saturday

I'm currently aboard AirTran flight 105 to Atlanta for Kimberly's Engagement party!! I'll admit that I am a bit tired after having to wake up at 5am this morning to get ready and get to the airport for my 8am flight but flying business class isn't so bad...though I did have a bit of a panic attack on my drive to the airport.

I forgot my camera!! I plugged it into the computer USB last night to make sure it was fully charged and planned on grabbing it when I checked my flight gate this morning, sad to say that I forgot that in my tired haze.

So after a short panic while half way to the airport this morning I figured I had 2 options, #1 I can have Kim stop off at a Target/Walmart and see what kind of deals I can find on a super basic digital camera, or option #2 I can just use Kim's camera and make sure that all the pictures end up on my jump drive or Facebook before I head home. Small drama but I'll make it work!

Oh yea and I decided on the tan and green dress for tonight. It seemed to be the favorite!

I'll be spending this morning's flight working on homework (boooo) so that I can try to enjoy my time in Atlanta without stressing about the million and one other things that I need to get done this weekend. Time to get started on everything!

Have a wonderful Saturday!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

It's Friday!!

It’s Friday Whooo-hoo! Tomorrow I get to take a little overnight trip to Atlanta to celebrate the engagement of my good friend and sorority sister Kimberly!

She’ll be getting married in April and I am honored to be a bridesmaid.

While I wish I could stay longer than 1 night with work and school it’s just not possible however it will be a wonderful time I am sure! And what’s better? I got to upgrade my flight tomorrow morning to business class-gotta love starting the morning off with free drinks and free checked luggage! It's so sad that in November AirTran won't be flying from Dallas-Fort Worth anymore, there goes my cheap first class flights!

Now if I could just figure out what to wear for the engagement party…I’ve narrowed it down to 2 dresses….the gray one doesn’t look great on a hanger but super cute when it’s actually on (I wore it to our Christmas party last year but I don’t have ANY pictures!) and then the green one still has the tags on it, I haven’t had a chance to wear it yet so this would be a

perfect opportunity!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Help Make Stitch a Star!

I would love it if you would visit Petsmart's Photo Contest and vote for Stitch!
Just click on the link above and click "vote" you can visit each day and vote!

He would love the chance to be in a Petsmart commercial! And I mean he's just so cute who could resist?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall Fashion

With the fall weather this morning it was time for another cool weather inspired outfit!

Skirt with belt from H&M, Perfect Long Sleeve T-shirt from JCrew and Scarf (can't remember where this even came from)...and of course riding boots (not pictured).

I love getting to wear new outfits as the seasons change!!

If you're sick please stay home

It seems like every year it starts in September and it runs through February...the dreaded cold/flu rotation within our office....yet no one seems to realize that each year if people just stayed home we could avoid this.

I understand that yes, in a sales job that if you aren't in the office and you aren't selling you aren't making money...however, if you are coughing, sneezing (not just allergy sneezing) and even throwing up and running a fever guess what? You aren't working either, you're complaining and feeling awful so please do us all a favor and stay home.

2 weeks ago a co-worker came back from vacation and quickly got sick, cough, cold, fever, throwing up...yet she still showed up to work! What the heck was she thinking! Everyone kept telling her to go home but she wouldn't because she didn't want to use her PTO because she didn't want to hit the negative in her PTO Bank--this annoys me beyond belief!

Now we've had over the past 2 weeks 8 others come down with the stomach flu, or a horrible cold with fever...did they learn their lesson though? Of course not each and every one of them started feeling sick and still came to work then the following day stayed home "sicker than a dog".

I have armed myself with hand sanitizer, super vitamins, and a can of Lysol to de-contaminate the work spaces of those who have fallen victims to the illness ...but sometimes that still isn't enough.

For anyone reading this please take heed and pass it along to all of your friends, if you think that you're coming down with something, or you feel a little "off" please do us all a favor and stay home. I take care of myself to prevent getting sick, I don't have an option when I am healthy not to come to work just to avoid getting sick, so please stay home--thanks!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Happy Monday!

Well ladies and gentlemen we've officially started October!! Can you believe it? That means that next month is Thanksgiving and then Christmas?! WOW the year is just flying by.

My desk is ready for the fall season though as I brought little pumpkin for all of my little recruiters for a festive touch to the area.

And what made my Monday even better? I walked in to a little present from Bethany our office manager~apparently she just couldn't pass this up when she saw it this weekend and she knew I needed to have it :)

This little beauty will be joining me in my weekly manager's meeting (professional aren't I?)

I love a week that starts out with a little something to make you smile! Happy Monday!