"Capricorn in a Nutshell: Capricorns are very ambitious people, they always have something they are pursuing and they want their lives to be fulfilled and important. Capricorns are extremely patient and will wait a long time for something they want, when the opportunity arises, they will plan their steps carefully to others, they might appear hesitant but this is not true, they know that there is only one chance to succeed and they are filing together their information to take the proper steps to accomplish their goal with flying colors, not just second rate. Capricorns have a very active mind and strong powers of concentration. Capricorns like being in control of their surroundings and everyone in their life. Capricorns are very cautious but this only to survey the situation before leaping in, they will never make a hasty jump in. They accept change but introduce it slowly so they can get used to it and incorporate it into their life. Capricorns tend to see life in black or white, definitive's only. There are no gray areas for these are areas that are not understood and this makes Capricorn feel uncomfortable. They tend to be in control in a romantic relationship that way they are never vulnerable to another person."
I now apparently was one of the many that now have a new astrological "sign" and now fall into the realm of Sagittarius...
Sagittarius tend to aim their arrows of thought upward, being the incurable optimists of the zodiac. Sagittarius often look at the sunny side of life and the silver lining to any dark cloud. Sagittarius are honest to a fault, for you can say what's on your mind before you realize that someones feelings might be hurt. Since the Sagittarius is part horse, there is also a connection between Sagittarius and horses, be it a love of riding or an emphasis on the most powerful part of a horse: its legs and thighs. In fact, many of Sagittarius love outdoor hiking and long distance running. The Sagittarius motto is "It is better to know how to learn than to know." You seek knowledge and wisdom, never tiring of the quest for what is yet to come. Others enjoy being with you when you are in your outgoing and joyful mood, but you can become more sullen if you feel that your wings have been clipped. Even in a restrictive situation, however, you'll not lose hope--and it is this inspirational perspective that leads you to your greatest success.
I personally think that I fall much more into the Capricorn area than the Sagittarius...so even though there's been a "change" in the stars I think I'll stick with the Capricorn sign...
Did your "sign" change if so what do you think about your "new sign"....
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