
This little blog started on our wedding website, which kept family and friends up to date on the planning and details. Of course this is where we will provide all of the recaps of the wedding and everything after. We look forward to keeping family and friends up to date on our lives here in Texas and all of the adventures we share as newlyweds!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

APY60 Day1

Last week my APY60 finally arrived. Today I started the program...60 day to a healthier me! 
Each day starts out with about 10 minutes of stretching and warming up your muscles to get you started for the day.  After which I had a veggies & eggs for breakfast.  The program doesn't give you a full meal plan but does give you some ideas and changes out and challenges you to eliminate things from your diet. 

I am really looking forward to how it works!
Here are the key things that I was to do today!
  • Eat breakfast 1 hour after waking up
  • No eating 3 hours before bed
  • Daily morning stretches
  • Clean out the pantry (get rid of the processed stuff! ) - we didn't have any of the "no" foods! Yay for us!
  • Today's elimination challenge: Refined sugar - super easy since we don't eat it really anyhow.
  • The goal is to drink 100 oz of water- I'm at at 30 right now at 2pm...I've got a bit more to drink before the end of the day.
  • Blue Dots
  • Daily Yoga
The program also came with some little blue stickers that you are to put around your home and office.  These are to remind you to breathe deep, and soon the goal is to associate blue with breathing deep, simple enough right?

And of course this evening (after Rene finishes watching the Pats game) I have a 60 minute power yoga video to work through. 

I also plan on keeping up at least 30 minutes of additional cardio each day.

Let's see how things shape up over the next 30 days!

I also got a new little gaget today - called the Fitbit!

 It's about the size of a flash drive and it keeps track of how far you walk, time of inactivity, stairs climbed, and the main reason I got it - it tracks your sleep!  I feel like 9 out of 10 days I wake up a million and one times so I plan to use this to figure out when I sleep the best (ie no TV 1 hour before bed) and when I sleep worst (ie after we've been drinking). 

Here's to a healthy 2012! And knocking one of my goals off the new years list --1 day down 59 to go!

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