
This little blog started on our wedding website, which kept family and friends up to date on the planning and details. Of course this is where we will provide all of the recaps of the wedding and everything after. We look forward to keeping family and friends up to date on our lives here in Texas and all of the adventures we share as newlyweds!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cold Outside--but not "really"

There’s a little chill in the air today in Dallas. I walked outside today planning on throwing on a sundress since it had been in the 90’s still but was surprised to see that it was only about 65 degrees outside—that means fall clothes!!

So I changed out my ballet flats for boots and threw on a belt and cardigan and was ready to go!

**Not having Rene at home to help with pictures is no fun! I have to rely on the self portrait in the mirror-also bathroom lighting is not very flattering at all!**

Everyone should have at least one pair of riding boots or flat boots for the fall! They give your summer dresses a second life!

Here’s hoping this weekend is cooler too since Rene and I plan to go over to Grapevine for Grapefest on Saturday. We haven’t been there for 2 years but the first year it was super hot and still a ton of fun! I am praying for a little bit cooler weather for sure for a relaxing afternoon-we could sure use it!


  1. I need a pair of riding boots, I think this year is my year to get some! ;)

  2. I love my boots and any excuse to wear them!! I kinda want a black pair or a dark brown pair too :)
