
This little blog started on our wedding website, which kept family and friends up to date on the planning and details. Of course this is where we will provide all of the recaps of the wedding and everything after. We look forward to keeping family and friends up to date on our lives here in Texas and all of the adventures we share as newlyweds!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Veil Travel Tips?

As we start to pack and organize everything to either mail or take with us on the flight I have come across a road block.

How in the world do you travel with the veil? And not only one veil but TWO!--I still can not pick which to wear for the wedding! **Hint Hint** Note to Maids of Honor You need to help me pick!!

So here I am with less than a week now before the flight thinking do I pack them? Do I carry on with the dress?? What do I do now?

My Options:
1. Pack them both with the dress--but with one having beading and the other not will they snag on each other? or the dress?
2. Place in my suite case in a bag/box? Will they wrinkle too much?
3. Pack along with Dress #2 and the fiance's suite for the wedding? Possibly....

Check back to see what I finally decide....if of course we find the time to pack everything!!

1 comment:

  1. fold them GENTLY in TISSSUE paper...and then you can place them somewhere they won't be squished by something else. I would think you could put them in a garment bag easily, you would wrap them and hang them on a hanger even the tissue will help with creasing.
