
This little blog started on our wedding website, which kept family and friends up to date on the planning and details. Of course this is where we will provide all of the recaps of the wedding and everything after. We look forward to keeping family and friends up to date on our lives here in Texas and all of the adventures we share as newlyweds!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How many gadgets does one couple need?

I am not one to think that I am a gadget loving person more than any other person. But it was not until I realized all of the charging cords that the soon to be Mr and I would need for the trip that I realized how many "techy" type things we had accumulated between the two of us! So lets see...

Add one of these which I bought the Mr for a "fun" wedding gift http://www.nintendo.com/

One of these--I love my Kindle which I got as my "fun" wedding gift from the Mr. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015T963C/?tag=googhydr-20&hvadid=4370628415&ref=pd_sl_19calxq4k4_e

Of course we need 2 of these--one in each color for "His" and "Hers" Music choices http://www.apple.com/

2 of these, though they won't be on the majority of the wedding cruise, we will be staying in Florida a couple of days and really who goes anywhere without access to phone and internet anymore? http://www.blackberry.com/

Well if that wasn't already enough, I have added 2 wonderful new pieces of fun to my arsenol of digital and electronics stash!

My new camera! I am in love! As soon as I saw it advertised I knew that I not only wanted one but we NEEDED one! I just don't know why someone did not think of this sooner! It is perfect for the couple traveling alone trying to get those images of the two of them together! The front screen shows you exactly what you are taking a picture of! It was well worth the money!

And a mini HD Video Camera. We found it randomly on sale and figured why not give it a try! We plan to use it really just to capture the ceremony. We looked at the Flip camera as well, but it did not allow for an SD card for memory space. This one does which is a nice plus. Its a DXG 567V Flash Memory Digital Video Camcorder we haven't tried it out too much but hopefully it will work out just fine!
Now if we can just keep all the cords from being a mess! Into plastic sandwich baggies they go!

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