
This little blog started on our wedding website, which kept family and friends up to date on the planning and details. Of course this is where we will provide all of the recaps of the wedding and everything after. We look forward to keeping family and friends up to date on our lives here in Texas and all of the adventures we share as newlyweds!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

6 Months Ago...

As I sit here writing this and realize it is a post about the first six months as Mrs. Blanco I cannot believe that Rene and I have been married for a half year (as of tomorrow!)!! It is amazing how time flies! With that being said I decided that due to the overwhelming number of times I’ve hear “so how’s married life” from friends, family, and co-workers that in celebration of our 6 month anniversary this post would be about some things that we have realized along the way in these first 6 months. Though little has changed from dating life to married life for us there are some things that I have come to realize and also look back on about the wedding and everything leading up to it.

So what have I looked back on after the wedding???
1. Did everything go the way I planned for the wedding??

Absolutely not, but in the end I realized that it didn’t matter much at all. We had people there who loved us and in the end does the design of the cake matter that much or is it the stories that everyone has to remember about the week? I do not believe the cake made that big of an impact.

2. Would I do it different if I did it all over again (traditional vs. destination wedding)?

Nope, I loved the fact that our ceremony was simple, the wedding festivities lasted 4 days and that we had friends and family there who really truly wanted to be there regardless of where we were getting married. Having a small group of friends made it that much more memorable about we took a little something from every guest that was there and have a great memory from our wedding cruise.

3. One thing I would do differently for someone planning a destination wedding?

I had a couple of people ask me this and it’s hard to say really. I guess that my main thing is I think that we gave the guests too much information in our invite. As silly as it sounds putting all of the details in one place for people makes them lazy…that being said the majority of people who didn’t come because they were worried about the cost never even got onto the cruise website to realize that you could pay a little here and there for 1 year prior to the sailing date and that the total was not necessary in one lump sum. Oh well you live and you learn…so my advice for anyone thinking destination wedding, do not provide all of the information up front on paper-it just gives people an excuse without looking into things on their own.

And then the married life questions….

1. So how’s married life?

It’s just as great as dating life and engaged life…I get to hang out with an amazing guy for the rest of my life how much better does it get than that?

2. What has changed?

Oh you mean other than the fact that I never tried to write Megan Blanco (I know, every girl does this but I really did not even think about it...until it was too late) before having to sign it on my driver’s license so it looks like a 4 year old wrote it? Or the fact that when I talk to potential clients at work now I feel like I am lying when I say my name is Megan Blanco? LOL no but really aside from the obvious name change (which as you can tell I am still getting used to) little has changed. We have a joint bank account now…but other than that not too much.

I have realized that one of the best things for Rene and I was to live together before we got married. We know how the other operates on a daily basis, when he needs his time and when I need mine. I know that he leaves the cabinets open after he grabs a cup, and he knows that yes he must suffer through General Hospital on DVR with me when I get home (even though he knows he hates to miss an episode). He knows and accepts the fact that I shed, yes a lot and I can’t help that, just as I know he makes a mess around the sink in the morning washing his face….but it is a part of the routine and what makes us “us” and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t think that living together made a difference in terms of taking something away from us being married over just dating, I think that it made our relationship what it is and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

So here is to the first half year of our soon to be long and happy marriage!


  1. Hey Megan! Happy Six Months! (Wow, that's so crazy to say.) Getting married still seems so far away to me. It sounds like you guys already have all the hard stuff figured out from living together first. I'm so happy you're doing well!

  2. Megan, this is adorable! I am so happy for you! Make sure to keep us posted all the time on how married life can be so great. I know personally I get scared of the thought of ever getting married...but reading posts like this makes me all tingly! :)
