
This little blog started on our wedding website, which kept family and friends up to date on the planning and details. Of course this is where we will provide all of the recaps of the wedding and everything after. We look forward to keeping family and friends up to date on our lives here in Texas and all of the adventures we share as newlyweds!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Speed Reader!

It's amazing how fast I can get through books when I don't have to read text books at the same time! Over the past few days I have made my through 3 books and I am about a third of the way through a fourth!

Vampire Diaries: The Fury and the Awakening, Pretty Little Liars (PPL #1), Flawless (PLL #2) and making my way through Perfect (PLL #3)...too bad that classes start next Monday for me and I'll be slowing down on the reading.

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