
This little blog started on our wedding website, which kept family and friends up to date on the planning and details. Of course this is where we will provide all of the recaps of the wedding and everything after. We look forward to keeping family and friends up to date on our lives here in Texas and all of the adventures we share as newlyweds!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Time for an upgrade

I am sad to say that after about 6 years my iPod has officially died!  Just as I started listening to it again at the gym and poof - it's officially d-o-n-e.
It still works but only plays for about and hour each time it's charged.  Rene has told me it's time to get a new one....I mean I guess it's time since technically my iPod is known now as the "classic" 
(that makes me feel old)
Now this weekend I guess it's off to find a new one.  While I wish that I could get the old iPod nano like Rene has they don't make it anymore...so I guess I'll be getting the new model...not sure how I feel about the touch screen but I guess it's my only choice....
I've also looked at getting the iPod Touch because it does more than just music and really isn't that much more cost wise at Target and Walmart.
I also like that it's a little bit bigger...

Why is it that they keep making evening small and with touch screens?  I am not a huge fan of the full touch screen on anything really-my fingers get cold and don't register on the screen...but I guess I don't have much of a choice in the matter....any suggestions?  I really don't use my iPod for much more than the gym anyhow so is it worth the extra?

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